Dream Dictionary:C字开头


Dream Dictionary:C字开头

Dream Dictionary:C字开头


CabDiscovery of a secret.
CabinDomestic troubles. Love affairs.
CageImprisoning of dangerous elements. Parts that need to be control or limit. Danger.
CakeCelebration. Sometimes treat, sometimes indulgence.
CalendarProne to be impatient. Awareness.
CalmAdventures. Tranquility .Feel centered.
CameraImage of experience. Record. Sometimes a means of distancing.
CampingNatural living. Back to basics. Denial of basic needs.
CancerOut of control. Preservation.
CandleIllumination. Search for something.
CapInformal. Liberal opinions. Looking to be more tolerant.
CarPersonal power. Ego.
CardsSkill and chance. Playing some sort of game. Troubles ahead.
CarpenterSuccess in financial matters. Overcoming difficulties.
CarpetProtection. Insulation. Sometimes luxury or richness. Ready to expand beyond basic needs.
CastrationDenial of sexuality. Limitation of creative power.
CaveInner or hidden issues.Female sexuality. The past. Change and separation from love ones.
CeilingUpper limits. Ready to raise some limits.
CemeteryDeath. Transformation. Something is finish in your life.
CeremonyDeep commitment ready to make. Formal rite. Ritual.
ChainBonds. The strength of many. Escape from some difficulty.
ChairPosition, style or attitude. Being conformable with something or someone.
ChapelJoy and comfort.
Child or childrenInnocence. The new self seeking to develop. Part of self nature is childlike.
ChocolatesGratification. Indulgence. Pleasure. Fear to indulge in something.
ChokingRestricted communication. Afraid to say something.
ChristHigher consciousness. Salvation. Peace, joy and contentment. Consolation.
ChristmasHappy family affairs..Celebration. A wish to be reunited with someone.
ChurchBig happiness. Being loved by God. Spiritual belief.
CircusChildlike joy. Fantasy. Profusion. Important and beneficial events to come.
CityAmbition Civilize order. Culture. Conclusion of hopes.
ClassroomReady to learn something.
CleaningRestoration of order. Purification. Maintenance. Everlasting friendship.
CliffConclusion of affairs .Challenge.Aspirations.
ClimbingAspiration. Growth with effort. Achievement. Unexpected difficulties.
ClockRunning out of time. Important business news.
ClothingIdentity. Self image. Exploration of new roles or rejection of old.
CloudsTransition. May be dark or light. Moving through confusion.
CoffeeStimulation. Sometimes over-excitement. A need to slow down.
CoffinContaining the end. Ready to bury something. Unpleasant matters.
CoinsSmall value. Distracted by lesser concerns.
CommuneCollective energy. Socialization. Union of beliefs. Looking to join a group.
ComputerFacility of communication.high technology. New areas opening.
Concentration CampFear and hatred of differences.
ConcertUnexpected news. Work on harmony.
ConstipationFear of letting go. Holding back something.
ConstructionAdversity. Hard work.
ContestCompetition. Rivalry.
ConventA happy engagement. Spiritual community. Withdrawal from familial and worldly affairs.
CookingPreparing to nourish in myself or others. Success in love.
CornerNo escape. Hidden Unavoidable. Beware of choices. Loneliness and trouble.
CountryNatural world. Basic needs and desires. Feeling confined by expectations.
CourtResolution of problems. Conflicts. Fear of judgement.
CrazyTotal loss of control. Freedom from responsibility. Afraid to lose something.
CrimeGuilt. Shame. Powerlessness. Some inner fear that threatens you.
CrippleDisable. Limitation. Punished for wrongdoing.
CryingEmotional release. Grief. Domestic trials are on the way. Emotions need to be released.
CrystalEssential self. Clarity. Focus.
CurtainProtection. Decoration. Seeking privacy or something to be display.


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