Dream Dictionary:S字开头


Dream Dictionary:S字开头

Dream Dictionary:S字开头


SailingNavigating emotional seas. You are starting out on a voyage.
SaleGood value. Fear of taking a good opportunity.
SaltPreservation. Zest. Maybe there is something that you want to enhance in your life.
SandBarrenness. What prevents your growth.
Santa ClausChildhood. Belief. Getting what you want.
ScarInjury. Past experience. Ready to heal completely from an emotional hurt.
SchoolDiscipline. Instruction. You have the skills to resolve a problem.
ScientistKnowledge. Expert. A need for understanding.
ScissorsOpen and close. Sharpness. What part of your past do you want to open and then cut?
SearchingExploration. Looking for recognition of desires or wants.
SecretMysterious. Hidden. Ready to reveal yourself or to uncover the truth.
SecretaryWork. Help. Affairs need to be organized.
SeedAncestry. Offspring. A source for a new beginning.
SeizuresConvulsion. Loss of control. Extreme agitation. You are afraid of someone or something.
Self-defenseViolence. Protection. Seeking for inner strength.
SemenFertility. Potency. There is something that you are bringing into being.
SenileDeterioration. Declining abilities. Losing interest in things from the past.
SewerUnderground. Secrets. Negativity. Ready to get rid of certain feelings.
SewingCreation. Repair. A relationship that you want to restore.
ShadowSecret. Ghost. Remnant. Part of your world needs to be illuminated.
ShellCovering. Protection. Seeking freedom from certain structures.
ShockUnexpected blow. Great surprise and agitation. Need for awareness.and awakening.
ShootingDestroying aspects of self. There is a deep wound within yourself.
ShoppingOptions. Necessities that need to be fulfilled..
ShowerRelease down the drain. You want to get rid of some feelings.
SickUpset. Unwell. Part of yourself is ready to be healed.
SilverShiny. Ductile. Highly value. Looking for the worthy part in you.
SingingHappiness. Communication of feeling. Ready to celebrate.
SinkingBeneath the surface. You want to get to the bottom of things.
SisterFamily. Fellowship. Fortune .You are aware of your surroundings.
SkatingFreedom. Rapid movement with great ease. There is something ready to be move across with ease.
SkiingPhysical skill and balance. Ready to enjoy greater freedom of movement.
SkyCelestial. Limitless freedom. Looking for expansion, life without limits.
SleepingRelaxation and rest. Unconsciousness. False security.
SmellScent. Intuition based on senses. Ask yourself about a present situation,how does it smells.
SmilingPleasure. Affection. Joy. Looking for something that makes. you happy
Smoking or SmokeRestricted vision. Cloud. Screen. Looking to hide certain feelings.
SnowPurity. Clarity. You want a fresh start.
SoldierConfrontation. Ready to challenge something.
SonDescendant. Youth. Projection of self. There is something that has been denied to you.
SpankingPunishment. Control. You have to work on some childish rage in favor to grow up.
SpeakingCommunication. Message. Looking to express yourself.
SpicyFlavor. Seeking more stimulation and intensity in your life.
SportsFun. Competition .You're playing some sort of game.
StabbingViolence. Fear of betrayal. Need to be more trusting.
StagePerformance. Presentation. There is a need for recognition.ready to show yourself to the world.
StairsUp or down. Aspirations .Looking to get to certain point against all opposition.
StarCelestial object. Self-luminous. Spiritual awakening.
StatueImage. Recognition. Representation. Need to express yourself.
StoreAbundance. Options. Variety.Seeking for new choices.
StormDisturbance. Sudden attack. Rage. There are some forces struggling within you.
StrangerOutsider. Unknown. Mystery needs to be revealed.
StringHold together. Joining. Wishing to tie something together.
SuffocationRestriction. Anxiety. Looking to grow in the right direction.
SugarSweetness. Pleasure.I ndulgence. Happy future.
SuicideEnd. Self-destruction. A need to let some things go.
SuitCredibility. Professional identity. Looking for power and recognition.
SunLife. Energy. Continuity. You are producing something worthy.
SunriseHorizon. Beginning. Looking for a fresh start.
SunsetCompletion of the cycle. Rest. Ask yourself what have you accomplished.
SurgeryHealing. Wish to reestablished your well-being.
SwellingInternal pressure. You become filled with an emotion.
SwimmingMovement through water of feelings contained by cultural constructs. You are in an emotional state.
SwordPower. Authority. Antagonistic. Need to confront certain situations.


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